Evelyn is a girl who has a fetish for being carried and even abuses her lover's body while being carried. Pyetra, her new girlfriend, says she's willing to do her lover's bidding and is willing to carry Evelyn at any cost. Between moans of pain, Evelyn becomes aroused, making the game much more enjoyable.
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Jun 19, 2024After Rebecca returns from summer vacation, she feels that she has gained a lot of weight. she calls his servant Pyetra. she orders her to step on the scale, and then she steps on the scale herself and sees that she is weaker than him. She calls her friend Evelyn to punish him. she tells her to carry him in different shoulder drives and different positions to punish him. Finally, Evelyn sits next to one shoulder and Rebecca sits on the other shoulder. Pyetra cannot stand the weight of two sexy girls and collapses. pyetra cannot serve his sexy ladies well enough. she tries again and again for a double shoulder drive and pyetra fails. Pyetra strives to make her ladies happy.