
Sweet smell of farts

Alana , Isabel
Duration 31 minutes
Quality 4K
Category Farting
Date Nov 13, 2019
Price $ 18.99


Alana has a swollen belly and a lot of pain, and to get better, she needs to fart. As an incentive and to make the moment more pleasurable, she summons Isabel, her slave, to stick her face in her anal hole and swallow her gases. Alana's ass flashes several times and she tries very hard to release all the farts that bother her belly, and they come out in gusts, going straight to Isabel's face. The slave's face doesn’t show any satisfaction, but she is imposed to sniff and inhale all the rotting gas without complaining. Alana moans with every relief she feels, and each time her asshole opens, we can expect a loud fart that will come out of there. Delicious!

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